Careers/jobs by field

Careers/jobs by field

Engineering is a diverse, multi-disciplined field focused on designing process and products to solve real-world problems. Mendeley Careers has jobs across all specialisms of Engineering.
If you have a particular interest in or aptitude for chemistry, or if you hold or are currently working towards a chemistry degree, you may wish to find out about potential careers in the industry.
What training do you need to become a medical doctor? What specialisms can you take? What can you earn as a family physician, or as a consultant specialist?
​Pharmacy can offer a compelling career choice for those who have an interest in medical fields.
The computer science industry is competitive and rapidly evolving; there are diverse roles and labour predictions stating half a million additional jobs will be available in the field by 2026.
The pharmaceutical (Pharma) industry has diverse roles on offer to those with training in the life sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and chemistry.
Forbes calls Biomedical Engineering “The High-Paying, Low-Stress STEM Job You Probably Haven’t Considered”. So what is a Biomedical Engineer, and what are the career opportunities?
Artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare has been a particularly hot topic in recent years.
Environmental science is becoming an increasingly valued and relevant degree.
If you are passionate about helping the planet or want to find a career where you are making a difference to the world, then environmental protection might be the perfect sector for you.
