Career advice

Career advice

Considering making a move abroad for work? We’ve chosen the best of our content to help you, including a practical checklist of the top ten things to remember.
In this article, we have collected some of our best content on tackling gender bias at work.
In our third and final video blog from Dr. Sheba Agarwal-Jans, she elaborates on how to use your academic skill set to build a successful career in industry.
In the second of our video blog series, Dr Sheba Agarwal-Jans of Elsevier explains how early career researchers can best prepare for a job interview for a role in industry.
Contemplating a career beyond the completion of a PhD can be a daunting task; there are far more PhD students than there are academic roles to absorb them.
The UN set out 17 ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a complement of 169 specific targets in 2015.
On September 25th 2015, the United Nations (UN) agreed that all its 193 member countries adopt 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs).
What’s the most productive way to structure your daily routine? Is it better to start early or work late into the night? Work steadily through the day or take lots of breaks?
What are the secrets to getting the most out of your work? How can you spend your time as productively as possible? How can you find solutions to your problems more efficiently?
Recent surveys suggest only 25% of senior business roles are held by women worldwide.
